
Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Because it is true......

I have put off this post for a week or two now and I don't really know why.

I keep telling myself that I am waiting for the right time.

That I'm not ready.....

But I think it is just the fact that sometimes reality "bites" and we put off facing it.

This is one of those times.

I am going to keep this brief today as I want the focus elsewhere.

Reality today......

In the last sixty days both of my sisters have been slapped in the face with breast cancer.


One sister received a diagnosis two months ago of non-invasive ductal carcinoma. She endured a lumpectomy and we all breathed a sigh of relief. Glad that she caught it early, happy it was out. Shortly after, another sister received a diagnosis of invasive ductal carcinoma.



Once the doctors realized that my one sister had the invasive form, they immediately wanted to treat my other sister with the NON invasive form with radiation.

So, here we are.

One sister began radiation yesterday. She will have 33 treatments.

The other sister is scheduled for a mastectomy on September 6th.

Both have young children.

Both have fears.

And what can I do?

I can pray.

I can be there for them.

I can worry..........

But my heart aches.

And I want to do more.

So, today I am sharing with you a new blog that I am starting. I will still keep This is separate and I am not sure where it will go. It is not MY blog and you will understand that when you visit it. I will have to see where God leads it.

I am also sharing with you a new Facebook page that I have started. Same thing.....not sure of where it will go. It is not my page.

I just want to give my sisters more ammunition.

More support.

More information.

More community.

You know....for years I saw the pink ribbons.

And I thought I understood.

I thought, I got it.

I had NO clue.

No clue.....

It is not about a pink ribbon.

It is about the power of the pink ribbon.

Today, I am asking all of my readers to help empower my sisters but to empower women everywhere.

Cancer "is".....

And until it "isn't"......

Then we will fight it........


Please pray for my family.

You can visit my new blog at Please follow it as I begin to tell the story of my sister and her fight against breast cancer. There are so many wonderful sites out there. Please don't think I think this is something special. It is hopefully just one more place to empower those facing breast cancer.

I ask that you also like the Facebook page that goes with it.

Please share both with as many people as you can. Get the story out and may we empower women everywhere in honor of my sisters.

As you read my sisters story on, would you take the time to give her encouragement? I would appreciate it.

I love you all.



Breast Cancer Tumblr Themes


  1. I'll pray, and share, and follow, and pray some more. My Mother, my only sister, three of my Aunts and more friends than I care to tell you. ALL have had breast cancer, various types, various ages. Among them, so many incredibly strong women, so many survivors. I pray every day. I encourage everyone to do self checks, to have regular exams and to help spread the word because that's what I can do. I'm here for you. Please let me know if there's anything I can do for you. I'm headed there now. xo, Kimberly

  2. I wanted to let you know that the above link is not working. You need to check your html and fix whatever the problem is. If I physically type the address into my search bar it works fine... It's just the link that isn't working... Blessings and prayers to you and your family!

  3. Rebecca, I will pray for both of your sisters and for you, too, because you will need strength to support and help them. I'm headed over to your new blog right now.

  4. I will surely keep both of them... as well as you, my friend... in my prayers. I am sure you will keep a close watch on your health as well.

  5. The link is the correct link FYI. I posted incorrectly in my haste to get this post out! Please visit that blog and follow. See you soon! Love, Me

  6. I tried the link and couldn't click through either. My prayers are with your family.

  7. Wow. Thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!!!

  8. Prayers for all three of you and for a cure!

  9. Please go and get a thorough check up yourself. This is sooo scarey! My prayers are with you.

  10. Praying & visiting website. Reach out if and whenever you need support. Take care of yourself, so that you can care for those you love.... xo Tracy

  11. I am a breast cancer survivor of seven years. I am just curious - why the mastectomy? I had a lumpectomy, with clean margins, no lymph node involvement. Why doesn't she try lumpectomy first - so much easier surgery to have. I had lumpectomy on a Thursday and was back to work on Monday. If the lumpectomy does not show clean margins, etc., then she may need to proceed to mastectomy. My thought process at the time of diagnosis was "let's get rid of it all, just take it all"; however, my GYN at the time discussed everything with me and talked me out of the mastectomy as a first option. Brilliant move on his part, because emotionally I was a wreck anyway with the diagnosis and I could not imagine having had to deal with the emotions of a mastectomy at the same time......

    I will go to blog and follow. Prayers coming for you and your sisters!! Jill Barker Colwell
